JMC Philanthropic Advisors keeps current on sector trends and learning opportunities by taking advantage of a wide range of resources that help to connect, inform, and update individuals involved in the nonprofit sector. Here are the resources we frequently use.
we like:
- Annenberg Space for Photography
- The Bridgespan Group
- The Center for Effective Philanthropy
- Center for Nonprofit Management
- Center for Social Innovation
- The Chronicle of Philanthropy
- The Council on Foundations
- Environmental Grantmakers Association
- Excess Access
- Foundation Center
- Good360
- Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
- Grantmakers Without Borders
- Rob Grunewald, Regional Economic Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Idealist
- Independent Sector
- LA Partnership for Early Childhood Investment
- Nonprofit Finance Fund
- Opportunity Knocks
- The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI)
- Philanthropy Roundtable
- PhotoPhilanthropy
- Resource Generation
- Southern California Grantmakers
- Taproot Foundation
- TIDES Foundation
- X Prize Foundation
- Zero To Three